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News for anyone going through emotional or physical trauma…

Break Free from the Cycle of Self Abuse and Embrace Your Inner Light

Break the cycle of self-doubt, shame and constant pain and learn to love yourself before you make mental, physical, and spiritual sacrifices for others

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Many survivors face these challenges every day, feeling helpless and hopeless in the face of their trauma.

But what if I told you that there's a way to reclaim your power, to love yourself unconditionally, and to find joy and peace in your life?

Who is Angela Shelton?

Angela Shelton: A Survivor, Warrior, and Guide

Hey there, I'm Angela Shelton, and I'm here to squish some love into your life!

Now, I know what you might be thinking, "Who is this crazy, fun-loving gal, and why should I listen to her?"

Well, buckle up, because I'm about to tell you!

I'm a survivor, just like you. I've been through the wringer of physical and emotional abuse, and let me tell you, it's no picnic.

But I refused to let my past define me.

I picked myself up, dusted off my warrior goddess cape, and set out on a journey to heal myself and others.

Along the way, I've had some pretty incredible adventures.

I'm a funny, foxy filmmaker, an Emmy-winning actress, a multi-award-winning filmmaker, and a transformative speaker who's been to every state in the USA, down every highway, and even lived in other countries.

I've modeled in the fashion world, worked in Hollywood, and owned a music studio in Nashville.

Phew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!

But my biggest epiphany came when I set out to create a documentary called "Searching for Angela Shelton." 

I wanted to survey women in America, and I thought it would be a hoot to meet every Angela Shelton out there.

Little did I know, this journey would change my life forever.

As I traveled the country, I discovered that 70% of the Angela Sheltons I met had been victims of child sexual abuse, domestic violence, or rape. 

It was a staggering realization that shook me to my core.

I knew I had to do something to help these incredible women heal and reclaim their power.

And that's exactly what I did. 

I poured my heart and soul into creating the Angela Shelton Show, a transformative event that combines my personal story of triumph over trauma with practical, actionable techniques for healing and empowerment. 

I've helped countless survivors break free from the Cycle of Self Abuse, and now I want to help you too!

So, why do I know so much?

Because I've lived it, breathed it, and conquered it.

I've taken my pain and turned it into purpose, my mess into a message.

And now, I'm here to guide you on your own journey of healing and transformation.

Get ready to laugh, cry, and squish some serious love into your life.

Because with the Angela Shelton Show, anything is possible!

Stirring up trouble…speaking the truth

Angela's Work Has Been Featured On

The Cycle of Self Abuse

“Stop doing to yourself what the perpetrator did…”

The Cycle of Self Abuse is a debilitating pattern that countless survivors find themselves trapped in.

It starts with the traumatic experience of abuse, which leads to feelings of shame, self-doubt, and unworthiness.

Here’s what actually happens:

Trauma: The cycle begins with the traumatic experience of abuse, which leaves deep emotional and psychological scars.

Negative Thoughts: The survivor starts thinking, "I deserved this" or "It's my fault," internalizing the blame and shame.

Normalization: The survivor begins to believe that the abuse is normal or that it's the only way to live life.

Seeking Trauma: The survivor's brain, conditioned by the abuse, seeks out similar traumatic experiences or relationships.

Self-Abuse: The cycle leads the survivor to engage in self-abusive behaviors, such as addictions or self-harm.

Perpetuating Abuse: The survivor's self-abusive behaviors open the door for others, often those closest to them, to inflict further emotional or physical abuse.

Generational Impact: The Cycle of Self Abuse can affect the survivor's relationships and their children, perpetuating the cycle across generations.

Here’s Why It’s Imperative That We Join Hands To Break This Cycle

Problem #1: Far-Reaching Consequences

Research shows that any kind of abuse can have these devastating impacts on survivors' lives.

  • Increased risk of mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD

  • Higher rates of substance abuse as a coping mechanism

  • Intergenerational transmission of trauma, perpetuating the cycle across generations

Problem #2: The Hidden Costs of Unaddressed Trauma

Two separate research papers, each co-authored by Bonomi and Dolezal, reveal the far-reaching consequences of failing to address the Cycle of Self Abuse.

  • Increased healthcare costs associated with untreated mental health issues and substance abuse

  • Economic impact of reduced productivity and lost work days due to ongoing struggles

  • Shattered lives, torn families, and unrealized potential when the cycle continues unchecked

Traditional Healing Methods are Not The Answer

Here are three of the evidence-based limitations of traditional healing methods – highlighted by professionals…

  • Lack of accessibility to quality mental health services due to financial, geographical, or cultural barriers

  • Stigma surrounding mental health and abuse preventing survivors from seeking help

  • Limited effectiveness of traditional therapy in providing practical tools and techniques for lasting healing

I’ll Help You Break The Cycle If You’ll Have Me Over


The one-of-a-kind event is a hilarious yet profound experience that gives you VIP access to quirky, feel-good techniques for kicking self-doubt's behind and falling madly in love with yourself.

Here’s What I Have To Share With You:

The "I love you, squish" method for cultivating unconditional self-love and prioritizing your healing.

Result: Break free from shame and unworthiness, creating space for healthy relationships

The "wing" technique to embrace your inner light and reclaim your personal power

Result: Develop unshakable confidence to pursue your dreams without fear

Angela's personal story of triumph over trauma to find inspiration and realize healing is possible.

Result: Renewed hope to overcome your struggles and live your best life

Thought-rewiring exercises to change negative self-talk and limiting beliefs

Result: Improved self-image and ability to love yourself fully

Emotion management strategies provide healthy tools to process difficult feelings.

Result: Freedom from being controlled by emotions, greater inner peace

Interactive healing activities using a multi-sensory approach to release trauma stored in the body.

Result: Accelerated emotional and physical healing from abuse

Access to a supportive survivor community so you no longer feel alone and can find belonging.

Result: Deeper human connections, end isolation from trauma

A continued healing action plan for structured guidance to maintain momentum after the event.

Result: Lasting transformation, not just a temporary high

Angela's research insights on trauma/abuse to receive evidence-based techniques tailored for survivors.

Result: True recovery by addressing root issues, not just symptoms

Life visioning and goal-setting to gain clarity on your passionate purpose beyond just surviving.

Result: A life you love living, not just existing

Guided meditations and breathwork as powerful tools to regulate the nervous system.

Result: Ability to self-soothe and release stored trauma

Inner child healing to repent and love the wounded parts of yourself.

Result: Self-acceptance, end of self-abandonment

Inner child healing to repent and love the wounded parts of yourself.

Result: Self-acceptance, end of self-abandonment

Forgiveness and letting go practices to release resentments weighing you down.

Result: Lighter spirit, freedom from the past's grip

Intuitive self-defense and safety skills to activate your innate power to protect yourself.

Result: Unshakable confidence, sense of safety

Boundaries and communication training to gain tools for expressing needs and values.

Result: Healthier relationships, self-respect

Creative self-expression to process and release emotions through art

Result: Find your authentic voice, embrace vulnerability

A relapse prevention plan to identify triggers and prepare for challenges

Result: Maintain healing, prevent returning to self-destructive patterns

Access to a post-event online community for ongoing support and accountability

Result: Continue growth, avoid isolation derailing progress

One-on-one coaching with Angela for personalized guidance on your situation

Result: Customized healing plan for faster breakthroughs

Laughter, playfulness, and use humour in releasing pain and bonding with others.

Result: Joy-filled approach to healing, lighter perspective

Highlights of The Angela Shelton Show

Balancing the terror with love can do wonders…here’s how

How to handle male trauma and bringing the men to the table

Raising awareness across boundaries 

My motivation for waking up every day and helping survivors

My most fascinating discovery about men and why it’s important now more than ever

A special message for moms and fathers

Domestic violence across genders and the solution that works TODAY!

Deep journey work and asking tough questions 

”Witnessing abuse” breeds insecurities and how you can deal with them

Why humour is a breakthrough tool to heal past traumas 

Victim addiction and how most of us are trapped in it without realizing it’s there 

“I’m in love…constantly!”

Self love before any other love

My greatest accomplishment in life and how it can help you

Trauma shouldn’t rob you from having a healthy romantic life

How to connect with yourself without external help

SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF is easier done than said. How to use that for yourself

My little secret of how to save the world…and why anyone of us can do that

How to go back in time and heal your past traumas

My simple breakdown of where should your intimate conversations should start from

“The Goddess Mother” method to integrate with your feminine side…

"No One Can Tell You How To Do this. Only You Can Break The Cycle with strong Willpower and Change Your Life For The Better..."

Say, “I love you, squish!”

I’m Angela Shelton and I’ll help you break The Cycle of Self Abuse

Your Foxy Funny Angela Breaking The Cycle of Self Abuse

Here’s What People Are Saying About Me 

“I thought Angela was excellent… she was funny…”

“I thought it was very inspirational. I really enjoyed it!”

”…her energy [was my favourite part]…”

”…the fact that she used the sword as an analogy for trauma [was my favourite part]…”

”I just love how she talks with ease…her sense of humour and passion is so inspiring.”

”it’s the first time I have seen her live…very touching!” 

”I thought that it was a great concept…very well put together for understanding…I laughed a lot.”

”Her Humour…”

“[My favourite part was] the comedic value of it…”

”[her talk” was way more than what I expected…”

”I felt touched…”

When you host Angela Shelton Show today, you'll instantly receive these incredible bonuses:

NOTE: These are the tools that helped me break my Cycle of Self Abuse and have done the same for thousands of other women over the years!

Bonus #1: The "Warrior Toolkit" – a comprehensive digital resource packed with worksheets, meditations, mantras, and more to support your ongoing healing journey ($497 value)

Bonus #2: A private, one-on-one coaching session with Angela Shelton to help you personalize your healing plan and overcome any obstacles ($500 value)

Bonus #3: Lifetime access to the Angela Shelton Show online community, where you can connect with other survivors, share your experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement (Priceless)

Bonus #4: All the Warrior Playthings, the planner, the sword links, and fun prep for your playtime!

Hour Warrior Webinar ($1599 value)

Bonus #5: 24/7 Access to Recording ($97 value)

Bonus #6: HOLY HOT MOM Lessons PDF ($12 value)

Bonus #7: Warrior Life Plan PDF ($27 value)

Bonus #8: Angela's Library of Content ($97 value)

Bonus #9: LIVE Weekly Support ($5999 value)

Bonus #10: Finding Angela Shelton PDF ($5 value)

Bonus #11: Warrior Workbook ($9 value)

Bonus #12: Scripts to spread word about the Angela Shelton Show on social media, and email sponsors as well. (For Hosts)

The Angela Shelton Show can be Anything You Want it to be…

An Investment in Healing, Empowerment, and a Brighter Future

The Angela Shelton Show is more than just an event; it's a transformative experience that has the power to change lives, strengthen communities, and create a ripple effect of healing and empowerment for generations to come.

When you bring the Angela Shelton Show to your community, you're not just investing in a single event – you're investing in the well-being and future of countless individuals who have been impacted by the devastating Cycle of Self Abuse.

Imagine the profound impact this show can have:

  • Survivors will gain the tools, knowledge, and support they need to break free from the shadows of their past and reclaim their lives.

  • Families will be strengthened as they learn to communicate, heal, and grow together, breaking the intergenerational transmission of trauma.

  • Communities will become more resilient, compassionate, and united in their commitment to supporting and uplifting one another.

  • Future generations will inherit a world where the Cycle of Self Abuse is no longer a silent epidemic, but a challenge that we've faced head-on with courage, wisdom, and unwavering hope.

By hosting the Angela Shelton Show, you're not just changing lives today – you're creating a legacy of healing and empowerment that will continue to inspire and transform for years to come.

A Commitment to Your Community's Well-being and FUN!

I believe that every survivor deserves the opportunity to heal, grow, and thrive.

That's why I’m committed to working closely with you to make sure all of us have access to what has helped me in my healing journey.

When you partner with me to bring the Angela Shelton Show to your area, you can trust that:

  • I will work tirelessly to create an event that is tailored to the unique needs and goals of your community, ensuring that every attendee feels seen, heard, and supported.

  • We will provide you with all the tools, resources, and guidance you need to promote the show, engage with local sponsors and partners, and create a buzz of excitement and anticipation leading up to the event.

  • We will deliver a transformative experience that combines Angela Shelton's powerful personal story, practical healing techniques, and a supportive community, all in an atmosphere of warmth, authenticity, and unwavering commitment to your community's well-being.

By hosting the Angela Shelton Show, you're not just bringing an event to your community – you're making a statement that healing, empowerment, and hope are possible, and that together, we can create a brighter future for all.

If you're ready to take the first step in bringing this life-changing experience to your community, we invite you to reach out to us today.

Together, let's create a ripple effect of healing and empowerment that will transform lives and inspire generations.

Choose the path that's right for you

We offer two powerful ways for you to get involved with the Angela Shelton Show and make a lasting impact in your community:

Option 1: Sponsor the Angela Shelton Show

If you're ready to bring this transformative event to your community and make a difference in the lives of survivors, sponsoring the Angela Shelton Show is the perfect opportunity.

Here's what you can expect when you book a call with us:

  • A personalized consultation to discuss your community's unique needs and goals

  • An overview of the different sponsorship packages available and how they can be tailored to your specific requirements

  • A detailed action plan for bringing the Angela Shelton Show to your area, including timelines, promotional strategies, and resource requirements

  • An opportunity to ask questions and get expert guidance on how to maximize the impact of the show in your community

To get started, simply click the "I want to sponsor button below" and book your 1:1 call with Angela Shelton (that’s me) to discuss the next steps

Option 2: Become a Host and Partner While Making a Difference

If you know someone who can bring me to your town then this option is for you.

You're passionate about supporting survivors and want to earn money while making a difference, becoming a host for the Angela Shelton Show is the perfect opportunity.

When you book a call with me, you'll receive:

  • A step-by-step guide on how to host a successful Angela Shelton Show event in your area

  • Access to our exclusive Host Resource Kit, which includes promotional templates, email scripts, and social media posts to help you spread the word and attract sponsors

  • A personalized coaching session with our expert team to help you navigate the hosting process and maximize your earning potential

  • Ongoing support and guidance from our community of passionate hosts and advocates

To get started, simply click "I Will Host the Angela Shelton Show." below…

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What makes the Angela Shelton Show different from other healing events?

The Angela Shelton Show is unique in its approach, combining powerful, actionable techniques with Angela's personal story of triumph over trauma. You'll learn practical tools for self-love and healing while experiencing a transformative, engaging event tailored to your specific needs.

Can I attend the Angela Shelton Show even if I'm not ready to share my story?

Absolutely! The Angela Shelton Show is a safe, supportive space for survivors at all stages of their healing journey. Whether you're ready to share your story or simply want to learn and grow in the company of others who understand your struggles, you are welcome and encouraged to attend.

How can I become a host and bring the Angela Shelton Show to my community?

Becoming a host is easy! Simply click the "Book Now" button and select the "Become a Host" option. Our team will guide you through the process and provide you with all the resources and support you need to organize a successful event in your area.

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