Emmy award winner, trained intimacy and healing coach… 

Angela Shelton Invites You On A 30-Day Healing Journey In A Private And Confidential Setting

Heal your past trauma and enhance your intimate life with expert guidance in under 30 days... all without the stress of sharing your story in public

Enroll in Angela’s FREE Healing Program:

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What Is Healing and Intimacy Mastery

Healing and Intimacy Mastery is an innovative approach to overcoming sexual trauma and revitalizing your intimate life, enabling you to find joy and connection without spending years and untold amounts in therapy.

We do this by pinpointing your unique healing journey and offering a tailored pathway that makes recovery and intimacy feel natural to you. Instead of generic methods that don’t resonate or bring real change, you receive daily exercises, expert mindset coaching, and effective laughter therapy techniques that Angela has perfected over the years.

And as a result... This empowers you to finally feel whole and vibrant, cherish deeper relationships, and have a clear roadmap on how to achieve them—this is Healing and Intimacy Mastery.

Now Available For Free Access

Absolutely Free Today

(Save $1000s on therapy)

How is it any different from traditional therapies?

The Old Way

Healing and Intimacy Mastery

The Old Way

Healing and Intimacy Mastery

Here’s How I’ve Done it Myself and For Others

  • Set aside 30 days: Commit to a month of transformation. It's not about occasional effort; it's about consistency. Each day builds on the last, creating a powerful healing journey.

  • Start from scratch: Approach your healing as a beginner, with an open mind ready to learn and grow. This is your foundation, built with patience and care, focusing on daily progress.

  • Show Up Daily & Do Your Part: Each day, dedicate time to watch a targeted video and complete a corresponding task. These small steps compound into significant progress, embedding the lessons deeply into your daily life

What You Get When You Join Today

Day 1:

Initiating Healing

  • Acknowledge your journey

  • Identify healing goals

  • Create a daily ritual

  • Reflect on your narrative

  • Commit to self-compassion

Day 2:

Understanding Your Story

  • Explore personal history

  • Journal significant events

  • Recognize patterns

  • Seek understanding, not blame

  • Validate your experiences

Day 3:

Tools for Emotional Safety

  • Learn grounding techniques

  • Establish a safety plan

  • Identify your support system

  • Practice emotional check-ins

  • Create a comfort list

Day 4:

Building Resilience

  • Learn grounding techniques

  • Establish a safety plan

  • Identify your support system

  • Practice emotional check-ins

  • Create a comfort list

Day 5:

The Power of Sharing

  • Share your story with yourself

  • Choose a confidant if comfortable

  • Write a letter to your past self

  • Discover the release in sharing

  • Honor your vulnerability

Day 6:

Processing Trauma

  • Understand trauma's impact

  • Recognize bodily sensations

  • Practice self-soothing techniques

  • Express trauma through art

  • Explore narrative therapy

Day 7:

Self-Compassion & Forgiveness

  • Learn about self-compassion

  • Write forgiveness letters

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Engage in self-forgiveness

  • Cultivate a compassionate inner voice

Day 8:

Introducing Body Positivity

  • Understand body positivity

  • Practice gratitude for your body

  • Challenge negative body talk

  • Engage in joyful movement

  • Celebrate body diversity

Day 9:

Healing Through Creativity

  • Engage in a creative hobby

  • Use creativity for emotional expression

  • Create a vision board

  • Attend a creative workshop

  • Share your creative process

Day 10:

Embracing Change

  • Identify desired changes

  • Set intentions for change

  • Recognize fears and hurdles

  • Create affirmations for change

  • Celebrate small changes

Day 11:

Nurturing Inner Peace

  • Identify what inner peace means to you

  • Engage in meditation or deep breathing

  • Practice letting go of control

  • Embrace nature for tranquility

  • Dedicate time to spiritual or personal reflection

Day 12:

Harnessing Hope

  • Write a hope statement for the future

  • Recognize sources of optimism

  • Share hopeful stories with others

  • Create a hope chest or journal

  • Perform a hopeful act of kindness

Day 13:

Self-Care Strategies

  • Prioritize daily self-care activities

  • Discover new self-care options

  • Plan a self-care routine

  • Educate on the importance of self-care

  • Celebrate the act of caring for yourself

Day 14:

Setting Boundaries

  • Learn about healthy boundaries

  • Define your personal boundaries

  • Practice saying "no" assertively

  • Role-play boundary scenarios

  • Reflect on boundary respect in relationships

Day 15:

Cultivating Joy

  • Identify activities that bring joy

  • Integrate joyful activities into your day

  • Share joy with others

  • Reflect on the joy in small moments

  • Create a 'joy journal' to track happiness

Day 16:

Personal Empowerment

  • Define what empowerment means to you

  • Establish empowering affirmations

  • Take an action that makes you feel in control

  • Share your empowerment journey

  • Celebrate an act of empowerment

Day 17:

Healing Relationships

  • Identify key relationships for your healing

  • Reach out to supportive individuals

  • Communicate your healing needs

  • Attend a relationship-focused workshop

  • Reflect on the give-and-take in your relationships

Day 18:

Creative Expression

  • Explore various forms of creative expression

  • Dedicate time to a creative outlet

  • Share your creativity with a supportive community

  • Reflect on how creativity aids your healing

  • Attend a creativity and healing session

Day 19:

Understanding Forgiveness

  • Reflect on the role of forgiveness in healing

  • Write about someone or something you want to forgive

  • Learn about the forgiveness process

  • Participate in a forgiveness meditation

  • Share your insights on forgiveness with a peer

Day 20:

Growth Mindset

  • Learn about the concept of a growth mindset

  • Identify fixed mindset patterns and reframe them

  • Set a goal that fosters personal growth

  • Celebrate learning from a recent mistake

  • Attend a workshop on cultivating a growth mindset

Day 21:

Embracing Self-Worth

  • Reflect on your inherent value

  • Challenge self-critical thoughts

  • Compose a list of personal achievements

  • Engage in an activity that makes you feel worthy

  • Affirm your worthiness through positive self-talk

Day 22:

Creative Writing for Healing

  • Write a healing narrative or poem

  • Explore journaling prompts for self-discovery

  • Share a piece of your writing in a supportive space

  • Reflect on the catharsis of writing

  • Commit to a daily writing habit

Day 23:

Physical Wellness

  • Understand the connection between physical and emotional health

  • Introduce a new, enjoyable form of exercise

  • Learn about nutritious foods that boost mood

  • Reflect on your body's signals and needs

  • Create a balanced wellness plan

Day 24:

Social Connections

  • Reach out to a friend or family member

  • Engage in a community event

  • Practice active listening and empathy in conversations

  • Reflect on the support network you desire

  • Commit to fostering meaningful relationships

Day 25:

Overcoming Obstacles

  • Identify current personal obstacles

  • Develop strategies for overcoming these challenges

  • Reflect on past overcome obstacles for inspiration

  • Take one action step towards tackling an obstacle

  • Affirm your ability to navigate difficulties

Day 26:

Mindful Living

  • Practice mindfulness meditation

  • Integrate mindfulness into daily activities

  • Attend a mindfulness workshop or class

  • Reflect on moments of presence throughout the day

  • Commit to a daily mindfulness exercise

Day 27:

Exploring Passions

  • List your passions and interests

  • Dedicate time to pursue a passion project

  • Share your passion with someone else

  • Reflect on how your passions influence your healing

  • Plan to explore a new interest

Day 28:

Planning for the Future

  • Visualize where you see yourself in one year

  • Set realistic and achievable goals

  • Create a roadmap for reaching these goals

  • Reflect on any fears and plan how to address them

  • Share your future plans with a supportive person

Day 29:

Celebrating Progress

  • Review the growth you've experienced over the journey

  • Share your progress with the community or a friend

  • Celebrate small victories and milestones

  • Reflect on the most impactful moments

  • Express gratitude towards yourself and the process

Day 30:

Integrating Lessons Learned

  • Summarize key lessons from the past 30 days

  • Plan how to integrate these lessons into daily life

  • Create a continuation plan for ongoing growth

  • Reflect on your transformation and journal about it

  • Share your story of change to inspire others

Join The FREE Program and Start Your Healing Journey Now!

100% Secure and Confidential

Backed by Angela’s Personal Success Guarantee.

Healing and Intimacy Mastery is your bridge to a brighter life

Before I developed Healing and Intimacy Mastery - I watched countless individuals struggle with their past and intimacy, on the brink of giving up.

I saw years and thousands of dollars wasted on traditional therapies that were too general and impersonal. I researched deeply into what makes therapy work and why so much of it doesn't align with personal healing needs.

I sought to find the “secret formula” that would unlock personal growth, healing, and joy in relationships that not only felt effective but also empowering.

Only to realize that most “experts” offered broad strokes that couldn’t adapt to

individual needs, keeping many trapped in an endless cycle without progress.

I decided it was time to turn the whole model on its head, break away from conventional methods, and liberate us from the inefficacies of standard approaches.

After years of refining techniques, testing boundaries, and discovering what truly works, I am now ready to share these powerful tools that have transformed lives, making believers out of skeptics who now enjoy fulfilling and loving relationships.

Now, you have the opportunity to harness these groundbreaking strategies by joining our community…

The Old Way

Healing and Intimacy Mastery


Warriors found their path

Daily Lessons

Guided healing

Safe Space

To express yourself

Real folks. Real Reviews

"Being a survivor of abuse, you often feel like you have no power and that it has been stolen from you. If you take all of that pain and suffering and pour it into your creativity or passion - you will not only feel empowered but you will also find your purpose. Our purpose and our identity is not our pain our pain is a tool to grow into who we were designed to be. Angela has inspired me to step out of my "victim" box and speak out more. She has also shown me that abuse has no bounds, but it also has no power."

Kensie Coppin


"Working with Angela inspired and motivated me to level up everything. Just a few conversations with her and we now have a plan and a blueprint to save even more lives - with what we were already doing! She sparked the AH-HA moments we"





"Angela has such a wide scope of experience in marketing, content creation, publishing, recording, business acumen and industry standards, her suggestions have already made a tremendous difference in how I am going about my platform launch.”



"Rebel changemakers need safe spaces to explore diverse perspectives and collaborate smartly and productively. Those spaces are rare and difficult to landscape well. Angela Shelton has again empowered her creative vision and made it happen."




“Secure your spot in my 30-day program today and I guarantee it will change your views around perps, trauma, and intimacy” – angela shelton

Who Is Angela Shelton

Every time I meet someone going through trauma or hear a story about another act of violence, I can't help but remember that little 3-year-old girl sitting in the principal's office, terrified and unsure of what was to come.

I had been called to the principal's desk that day, pulled out of class without a warning. The school administrators had received a troubling report - my father was under investigation for abusing his own children.

My life was turned upside down In that moment.

But it wasn't the first time life was tough on me.

I was born to a young, troubled mother and a father who had suffered his own traumatic upbringing.

When my parents separated, it was decided that I would go live with my father's “picture - perfect” home and his new family of two children from another relationship.

But my father's new dream home became a nightmare for me and my sisters.

My own healing journey has blessed me with a deep empathy and resilience.

I am driven to support others who have gone through similar storms - to help them reclaim their power, restore their sense of self, and nurture the healthy, fulfilling lives they deserved.

I offer coaching, workshops, and community to survivors, serving as a ray of hope and a guide for the transformative work of trauma recovery.

My story proves we can emerge stronger, more compassionate, and deeply connected to our true selves no matter what we had to face in life.

The only catch is that we allow ourselves to heal.

Join me on this journey. Together, we will unlock your inherent strength, nurture your healing, and build the future you've always dreamed of. Your journey is my passion, and I am honored to walk alongside you.

Why is it Free?

Why is it free? Well, let’s just say I’ve been right where you are today, scribbling through the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Trying to find a shred of hope to help me get through the days.

That’s when my mom handed me a journal and said, “Write, it’ll help,” she was onto something. That journal became my therapist, my audience, and my best friend.

Years later, trained and a tad wiser, I looked at those pages filled with my journey and thought, “This shouldn’t just be sitting on my shelf.”

Not just that, I realized I went through a step-by-step process in my healing journey and if I share that experience it can save lives!

So, here we are. It’s yours, free, because what’s the point of keeping all those life-tested secrets to myself?

Let’s laugh, heal, and grow together.

On me!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have already tried other therapies?

Healing and Intimacy Mastery provides a unique blend of daily exercises and laughter therapy that may offer new insights and tools that were not covered in previous therapies.

What if I feel disconnected from my partner due to past trauma?

The program introduces techniques to help re-establish connection and trust in relationships, enhancing intimacy at a pace that is comfortable for you.

What if I'm not ready to open up about my past yet?

This program allows you to work at your own pace without pressure, encouraging you to start from wherever you currently are in your healing process.

What if I have intimacy issues even though I haven't experienced sexual abuse?

Intimacy issues can arise from various types of trauma. This program addresses a range of challenges related to intimacy that can follow traumatic experiences.

What if touching or being close to someone triggers me?

You will learn grounding techniques and how to establish boundaries that make physical closeness safer and more comfortable.

What if I am dealing with feelings of shame or guilt?

Healing and Intimacy Mastery focuses on self-compassion and forgiveness, guiding you through self-acceptance and addressing deep-seated feelings of shame or guilt.

What if I am struggling with the physical aspect of intimacy?

The program includes specific steps focused on reconnecting positively with your body, crucial for overcoming physical intimacy challenges.

What if I find it hard to express my needs and boundaries to my partner?

You will learn effective ways to communicate your needs and establish healthy boundaries, which are essential for healing and healthy relationships.

What if I've lost interest in intimacy altogether?

The program helps you rediscover intimacy joyfully and respectfully, allowing you to re engage at your own pace and comfort level.

What if I fear that trauma has permanently affected my ability to be intimate?

Though trauma can have a lasting impact, it doesn't have to define your ability to experience intimacy in the future. This program helps unlock your potential for healing and positive intimacy experiences despite past traumas.

Enroll in Angela’s FREE Healing Program: